Religion, finds its meaning in an human attempt to conciliate not only its complex intellect with its limited physical finitude but also with what is perceived as a too limited reason for existence. The willing to breed and perpetuate itself in a search for immortality contributing this way to the evolution of the human species as a whole. Tough noble as a principle, this basic reason for existence is found lacking and shallow, not enough for a complex and rational being as a human. It does not provide an immediate purpose and/or reward that is required and desired by the human intellect. The “pinnacle of creation”, humans, have the same role as every other creature on Earth? It can’t be! We can’t accept that! This was the thought of mankind through our journey to conscience of self. The need for something greater, that simultaneously gives us more “immediate rewards”, which resounds each and every single individual existence in eternity, was (along with the necessity to explain some of the nature phenomena, then perceived purely as supernatural and the “workings” higher beings), most surely, the base from which religion arose, and by which had an easy dissemination, right from the dawn of man, and all through its existence and in a multitude of civilizations.
to continue...